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Evercore 2020 Annual Review and 2021 Annual Planning Meeting


Our 2020 annual summary and 2021 annual planning meeting of Zhonghao Optoelectronics was held on 15th.Janary in Xiqiaoshan Hotel .

Our sales team report personal annual summary and 2021 sales target planning.Colleagues have made detailed reports on the target achievement rate

Our sales director, Ms. Zheng made an  Annual Sales Summary of 2020 and a  overall plan and landed decomposition according to the sales target in 2021.

The manufacturing center manager summarize and report the work of 2020 of manufacturing center  and optimize and adjust the target of 2021.

Mr. zeng, director of the manufacturing center, mainly introduced the strategic new products to be launched by the company in 2021 .

Mr. Wang, our General Manager, made a concluding speech at the meeting.The year 2020 will be an extraordinary year.

Even in the fierce epidemic and competitive market environment, Evercore was able to achieve the 2020 annual target. We thanks to the concerted efforts of all departments.And hope for the best in 2021 .

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